Interested in Working With Us?

We are interested in you, too! We are always looking for creative collaborators, which is why we accept completed work on a rolling basis. Though anyone can submit, we are especially interested in work about or by underrepresented voices, and special attention is paid to work that aligns with our mission statement. All submissions must be your own, original work, but we will also consider radical reimaginations of classic texts.

Unsolicited Submissions

(yes, we accept them!)


We accept multiple submissions, but please send them separately. Email submissions to


We are always looking for new, exciting directors who are looking at this current, chaotic shift in the theatre climate not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity. If you’re interested in working with us, please send your directing resume to


If you’re interested in working with us as an actor, please send us your headshot and resume. We recommend following us on social media and signing up for our mailing list so that you can be the first to see our new audition opportunities! You can send your materials to—you guessed it—

Developing A New Script?

Let us help you! We accept applications to our writers’ groups on a seasonal basis! Our application cycles are announced on our website and social media channels. If you’re interested in learning more about playwriting, workshopping a new piece, or just collaborating and being held accountable to your work with other writers, apply at